Belfast Harbour has been awarded the CORE Standard for Responsible Business accreditation at Platinum level.

Belfast Harbour is one of only five companies in Northern Ireland to hold the accreditation at Platinum level and one of only twenty Business in the Community member companies in total with the CORE Standard for Responsible Business.

These organisations represent a mix of private and public sector organisations and reflect a cross-section of industries. The four other local companies who have achieved Platinum level are Danske Bank, Translink, Henry Brothers and Heron Bros.

The CORE Standard for Responsible Business was designed to support businesses that are committed to integrating corporate responsibility into the way they do business and is based on Business in the Community’s Corporate Responsibility framework.

Assessment of business performance is split into the four key themes of core business, people, planet and place. The key corporate responsibility areas are: marketplace responsibility, people development, climate and carbon, community engagement, stakeholder engagement, health and wellbeing, circular resources, responsible leadership, equality, diversity and inclusion and nature and biodiversity.

CORE is Northern Ireland’s only standard for responsible business and is aimed at encouraging companies towards ‘best practice’ responsible business which consequently benefits employees, communities and the Northern Ireland economy as a whole.

Joe O’Neill Chief Executive, Belfast Harbour said: “We are delighted to have been awarded the CORE Standard for Responsible Business accreditation at Platinum level. Being a responsible business is at the core of Belfast Harbour’s DNA and our new five-year strategy prioritises community impact, sustainability and the acceleration to net zero.

“We have taken many steps to engage with and support our communities, protect and enhance the environment and demonstrate our ongoing commitments to improving diversity and inclusion within our teams. We are delighted that this ongoing commitment has been recognised by Business in the Community.”

Kieran Harding, Managing Director BITC said: “Belfast Harbour have long been one of NI’s leading responsible organisations. One of the first to gain Business in the Community’s CORE Platinum accreditation, the Harbour continually improves its responsible business approach, across the full spectrum of People, Planet and Place. Most recently, this has been demonstrated in the launch of the Belfast Harbour Community Awards, their nature-based approach to environmental challenges such as the installation of oyster nurseries to improve water quality and most recently being awarded the advancing diversity award at Women in Business Awards.”

Pictured are Joe O’Neill, CEO at Belfast Harbour, with Kieran Harding from Business in the Community.