Estate Access

The Belfast Harbour Estate and the Harbour Office have become more publicly accessible over recent years.

In order to manage this successfully we request that anyone hoping to film, fly a drone or hold a race within the Harbour Estate, as well as those hoping to use artwork displayed in the Harbour Office or host an event in the office, fills in the appropriate form and sends it back to the e-mail address provided.

Essential information for port users, contractors and visitors is summarised in the Health and Safety online induction. This must be completed by anyone working within operational areas of the port.


Should you wish to film in the Harbour Estate please fill in the form below and e-mail it to

Please note:

  • Filming applications must be received TWO WEEKS in advance alongside the risk assessment, brief management plan and proof of insurance.
  • Please ensure you are happy with the information you have supplied to us before clicking submit as if there are any changes, a new form will have to be resubmitted.


Important information for film crews and Drone users within Belfast Harbour Estate

With advances in technology the use of drones for private or commercial use has increased considerably.

As a result a number of issues regarding the use of drones have come to light which relate to public safety, security, and privacy.

Legislation governing the use of Drones within the proximity of many UK Airports has recently come into force and as a result all of the Harbour Estate lies within the new ‘Exclusion Zone’ surrounding George Best Belfast City Airport.

We will try and process your application as quickly as possible, but it could take up two weeks depending on the nature of application.

If you would like to apply for permission to use and operate an unmanned aerial vehicle or system (Drone) within the Belfast Harbour Estate, you must complete and sign the Application Form below and also send the following documentation to

  • * Written authority from Air Traffic Control at George Best Belfast City Airport – without this your application will be automatically rejected.
  • CAA Certification including your full Drone Pilots Licence.
  • Permission for Commercial Operations (PFCO) issued by The CAA.
  • Public Liability Insurance Policy to the value of £10 million.
  • Map of proposed flight path.
  • Risk Assessment

The following link gives useful information in relation to the use of Drones throughout the UK:

* To apply for authority to fly a Drone within the City Airport Exclusion Zone email:

Please report any suspicious Drone activity to Belfast Harbour Police on 028 9055 3000.

Sporting Events

The Harbour Estate is well established as a sports base venue, hosting events such as the Color Run, the Belfast Duathlon and the Belfast Telegraph Runher.

Should you wish to apply to hold a race in the Harbour Estate please fill in the form below and e-mail it to

Event applications must be received four weeks in advance alongside the risk assessment, event management plan and proof of insurance.