Project Servator

Project Servator is a policing tactic that aims to disrupt a range of criminal activity, including terrorism, whilst providing a reassuring presence to the public.

The approach relies on police working with the community, businesses, stakeholders, partners and members of the public. It builds a network of vigilance and encourages the reporting of suspicious activity. It is linked closely to SCaN (See Check and Notify) training currently being delivered to local businesses by Belfast Harbour Police.

Project Servator involves police carrying out highly visible and unpredictable deployments that can happen anywhere at any time. These deployments are made up from a range of resources, some highly visible such as uniform officers in patrol vehicles, on bikes, on foot or in the Harbour Police patrol vessel, and plain clothes officers. Belfast Harbour CCTV is also used as a resource for Servator deployments, monitoring reactions to unpredictable police presence.

The difference between Servator and other police deployments is that they involve police officers who are specially trained to identify individuals who may be planning or preparing to commit a criminal act. They are able to spot the tell-tale signs that someone may be carrying out hostile reconnaissance, the planning a terrorist or other criminal needs to do before carrying out a criminal activity.

We also work with partners such as Police Service of Northern Ireland, UK Border Force, HMRC and security staff at local premises, as well as CCTV operators. We will inform local businesses just before deployment and ask them to be vigilant. We will also use social media to inform the public that a deployment is taking place.

You have an important role to play by reporting anything that doesn’t look or feel right, such as someone acting suspiciously. You can report your concerns to the officers who are deployed or call Belfast Harbour Police on 028 9055 3000 – or 999 in an emergency. We also need you to remain vigilant when out and about and follow the national ACT (Action Counters Terrorism) guidance. More information on what to look out for and how to contact police can be found at