Navigation & Pilotage
Navigation & VTS
Belfast Harbour Port Operations is responsible for providing a safe and efficient service to all customers and stakeholders working in or visiting the Port. Working together, we ensure the flow of goods and services 24/7
Belfast Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) is responsible for the safety of navigation and protection of the environment within Belfast VTS area. All shipping movements within the area are controlled by Belfast VTS. Participation for all sea-going vessels and craft when entering the area is mandatory Belfast VTS provides AIS and Radar coverage throughout the VTS area and are contactable 24/7, 365 days a year.
Call Sign: Belfast VTS
VHF Frequency: Ch 12

Full details of pilot requirements for vessels are available in the Pilotage Directions.
Pilot bookings are arranged via Belfast VTS on Ch 12 VHF.

Marina Leisure Users Guide
A user guide for visiting leisure craft can be viewed HERE
Notice to Mariners
It is important to maintain up-to-date information to aid the navigational safety of users. Belfast Harbour communicates all such information relevant to its Harbour Limits via Notice to Mariners (link below).
Contact Us
Mariners are requested to contact Belfast Harbour on 02890 554422 or by e-mail at should they have any information relating to navigational safety. Urgent and immediate information relating to the Harbour should be passed via Belfast VTS on VHF channel 12 or via Belfast Coastguard on Ch 16.
Operational Notices
The full list of Operational Notices can be accessed via the link below.
Marine Incident Reporting
Following feedback from port users, Belfast Harbour have introduced a Marine Incident Report Form. This form is to be used to report a Marine/Navigational or Safety Incident or Near Miss to the Port Operations Department.
Urgent navigational matters should be reported immediately to Belfast Harbour Radio on VHF Channel 12 or phone 02890 553000 if VHF is not available