Real Estate
Spanning 2,000 acres, the Belfast Harbour Estate represents 20% of Belfast City area, and is conveniently located adjacent to the City Centre.
Property Goals
Our goal is to ensure that Belfast Harbour’s real estate and property portfolio to progresses our wider strategy for developing a key economic hub and an iconic waterfront for Belfast.
As part of Belfast Harbour’s commitment to building a truly sustainable, clean, green port, our property portfolio is developed in line with our sustainability agenda, and contributes to our vision for building a smart port.
In line with Belfast Harbour’s ambitious Placemaking Strategy and the development of high-quality spaces, we are committed to shaping the landscape of the Harbour Estate with the aim to help create an attractive and vibrant area in which people want to work, to live, to enjoy, to relax and to be part of.
Belfast Harbour’s real estate and property business continues to bring forward world-class regeneration development projects along the city’s waterfront.
The estate is being developed in line with the Belfast Region City Deal’s central objective to make the region a global investment destination, creating 2,000 new jobs in the sectors experiencing rapid growth. We are developing high-quality and sustainable offices in line with this objective, to attract blue-chip employers to Belfast and support local business as they grow, helping to make our city a great place to work and invest.

The City Quays 1, 2 and 3 office buildings, and the AC Marriott Hotel, which make up part of our iconic waterfront

The AC Marriott Hotel and City Quays office developments
This is at the core of our business – from community involvement in the planning process, through development and management, the aim is to provide attractive buildings which minimise resource use and meet the needs of occupiers today and tomorrow. Our project management skills have underpinned our successful track record of carrying out regeneration projects.
Belfast Harbour’s leadership is reinforced by our long-term view: we adopt business practices across our business which are economically, socially and environmentally sustainable. In doing so, we aim to be the developer of choice for our partners and occupiers. By achieving sustainability accreditations we also reduce tenant operating costs, making the move to Belfast Harbour sustainable for them.